This help system is a student project that I built at the British Columbia Institute of Technology:

  • I produced a functioning HTML5 help system for a real-world product.
  • I omitted some product features because this project required exactly 10 topic pages.
  • This project is in no way affiliated with, sponsored by, endorsed by, nor authored by Google.

Accessing Google Keep

You can access Google Keep on a desktop, laptop, or mobile device.

On a desktop or laptop

Access Google Keep on your computer in any of the following ways:

  • through the Google Keep web app
  • through the Side Panel menu in some Google web apps
  • through the Google Apps Google Apps Button button in some Google web apps and services

Through the Side Panel menu in Google web apps

You can access Google Keep through the Side Panel menu of the following Google web apps:

The Google Keep Google Keep Button button in a web app’s Side Panel menu opens a Google Keep pane within that web app.

Through the Google Apps button in Google web apps and services

Some Google web apps and services display a Google Apps Google Apps Button button near the top right of the page.

The Google Apps Google Apps Button button expands to display buttons for many Google apps and services, such as Google Keep. The Google Keep Google Keep Button button found here directs your browser to the Google Keep web app.

Although the YouTube Apps YouTube Apps Button button resembles the Google Apps Google Apps Button button, Google Keep is inaccessible through YouTube.

On a mobile device

Access Google Keep on your Android or iOS device in the following ways: