This help system is a student project that I built at the British Columbia Institute of Technology:
- I produced a functioning HTML5 help system for a real-world product.
- I omitted some product features because this project required exactly 10 topic pages.
- This project is in no way affiliated with, sponsored by, endorsed by, nor authored by Google.
Organizing notes with Google Keep
This topic provides an overview of organizing notes with Google Keep. If you have a Google Account, you can use Google Keep to create, organize, and share digital notes.
These features can help you organize your notes: pinning, labeling, colour-coding, copying, archiving, and deleting.
Pin notes
By default, your newest notes appear above older notes. But you can pin important notes to keep them above the rest.
Label notes
Use labels to categorize your notes. Each note can take one or more labels.
Filter your notes by label name from the Main menu. Viewing notes by a label name shows all active and archived notes that share that label.
Colour-code notes
You can change the background colour of each note. Background colours can help you see relationships between notes.
Copy notes
You can duplicate a note. A duplicate copy of a note is useful for altering the content of a note without losing the original version.
Archive notes
Archive notes to hide those that you want to keep but rarely refer to. Archiving notes helps you keep your notes uncluttered.
From the Main menu, you can view all archived notes or view any active and archived notes that share a label.
Delete notes
Delete notes to discard notes that you no longer need. Deleting notes helps you keep your notes uncluttered.
You can view deleted notes in the Trash from the Main menu. Notes in the Trash are permanently deleted after 7 days.